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What are peptides?
Peptides are short chains of amino acids (2 to 50 amino acids). They principally differ from proteins in the length of their amino acids they contain as proteins contain more than 50 amino acids (1). Peptides are produced in our bodies naturally when protein is digested by enzymes in our intestines. They can also be manufactured industrially by a chemical process called hydrolysis which is the breaking of large molecules into smaller units either by use of an acid, a base, or an enzyme. Peptides can be manufactured from animal sources (like eggs, meat, bone, and collagen), plant sources (cereals grains, legumes, and vegetables) or marine sources (fish, fungi, seaweed, and yeast) (2, 3). 
In recent decades, the world has witnessed a surge in both the production and consumption of different kinds of dietary supplements, peptide supplements inclusive.  Dietary peptides are smaller molecules that are easier to digest and absorb than would normal protein molecules. Food-derived peptides have also been proven to be multifunctional, providing a cascade of beneficial biological activities for the body after consumption (3). 

  1. Slow down aging. Peptides stimulate the production of collagen, which is responsible for maintaining the elasticity, texture, and vibrant look of the skin. As people grow older, collagen stores get depleted leading to the loss of skin elasticity. This results in skin sagging as is observed in aged people. The more collagen stores are replenished, the slower the aging process (4). 
  2. Hydrate the skin. Peptides help keep the skin moisturized by boosting the concentration of hyaluronic acid in the dermis and epidermis of the skin. Hyaluronic acid has a great water holding capacity, hence keeping the skin moist and preventing dryness and skin cracks. Dry and flaky skin is prone to irritation and itches (5). 
  3. Antimicrobial activities. Dietary peptide supplements have been proven to show a quick response to disease causing microbes. They directly kill bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites that cause skin infections. Thus, they strengthen the skin’s barrier and promote the rapid healing of wounds (6). 
  4. Reduce inflammation. Peptides show antioxidant activities by capturing free radicals and preventing excessive oxidation reactions that lead to cell destruction. Excessive oxidation reactions can increase inflammation reactions which are implicated in the early development of many diseases like cancers, diabetes, and other age associated diseases like arthritis (7).
  5. Prevents hypertension. Peptides directly widen the blood vessels, thus causing blood to flow easily and at a normal pressure. They also increase the secretion of nitric oxide which further acts to widen blood vessels and reduce blood pressure (8).
Nutrimore Peptides
Nutrimore provides a wide range of dietary peptide supplements such as Bovine Collagen Peptide, Marine Collagen Peptide, Wheat Peptide, Soybean Peptide, Ginseng Peptide, and Rice Peptide. All our peptides are produced using A-grade raw materials. They also possess great microbial qualities and have a low moisture content; hence they can last for 2 years. Most importantly, our peptide supplements have a very small molecular weight of 1000 Daltons, which is far below the range specified for a good quality peptide supplement (3000 to 6000 Daltons). The smaller the molecular weight of a molecule, the easier and faster it takes for it to be digested and absorbed. Thus, a molecular weight of 1000 Dalton makes our peptides top-quality supplements (9, 10). 
Additionally, our peptides come as a white powder with great smell, taste, and solubility. Thus, they can make a great fit in sports nutrition and nutricosmetics. They can also thrive well as medical foods since as they can function as nutraceuticals (foods offer medical health benefits, and that also prevent and/or treat diseases). 
Peptides are excellent dietary supplements with several proven health benefits. At Nutrimore, we simply offer the best of peptide supplements, with guaranteed top quality. 

  1. Rogers, K. (n.d.). What is the difference between a peptide and a protein? In Encyclopedia Britannica.
  2. Mazloomi-Kiyapey, S. N., Sadeghi-Mahoonak, A., Ranjbar-Nedamani, E., & Nourmohammadi, E. (2019). Production of antioxidant peptides through hydrolysis of medicinal pumpkin seed protein using pepsin enzyme and the evaluation of their functional and nutritional properties. ARYA Atherosclerosis, 15(5), 218–227. doi:10.22122/arya.v15i5.1755
  3. Korhonen, H., & Pihlanto, A. (2003). Food-derived bioactive peptides - opportunities for designing future foods. Current Pharmaceutical Design, 9(16), 1297–1308. doi:10.2174/1381612033454892
  4. Edgar, S., Hopley, B., Genovese, L., Sibilla, S., Laight, D., & Shute, J. (2018). Effects of collagen-derived bioactive peptides and natural antioxidant compounds on proliferation and matrix protein synthesis by cultured normal human dermal fibroblasts. Scientific Reports, 8(1), 10474. doi:10.1038/s41598-018-28492-w
  5. Asserin, J., Lati, E., Shioya, T., & Prawitt, J. (2015). The effect of oral collagen peptide supplementation on skin moisture and the dermal collagen network: evidence from an ex vivo model and randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trials. Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, 14(4), 291–301. doi:10.1111/jocd.12174
  6. Kim, J.-K., Lee, J.-H., Bae, I.-H., Seo, D.-B., & Lee, S.-J. (2011). Beneficial effect of a collagen peptide supplement on the epidermal skin barrier. Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology, 43(4), 458–463. doi:10.9721/kjfst.2011.43.4.458
  7. Qian, B., Zhao, X., Yang, Y., & Tian, C. (2020). Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory peptide fraction from oyster soft tissue by enzymatic hydrolysis. Food Science & Nutrition, 8(7), 3947–3956. doi:10.1002/fsn3.1710
  8. Pripp, A. H. (2008). Effect of peptides derived from food proteins on blood pressure: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Food & Nutrition Research, 52. doi:10.3402/fnr.v52i0.1641
  9. Erickson, H. P. (2009). Size and shape of protein molecules at the nanometer level determined by sedimentation, gel filtration, and electron microscopy. Biological Procedures Online, 11(1), 32–51. doi:10.1007/s12575-009-9008-x
  10. León-López, A., Morales-Peñaloza, A., Martínez-Juárez, V. M., Vargas-Torres, A., Zeugolis, D. I., & Aguirre-Álvarez, G. (2019). Hydrolyzed collagen-sources and applications. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 24(22), 4031. doi:10.3390/molecules24224031